Friday, September 16, 2011

Biggest mistakes of government: Part 2 of 6

Biggest mistakes of government: Part 2 of 6 On YouTube.

Part 2 of 6: What government screws everything he touches, from Indian reservations for the management of forest fires. Presentation by John Stossel of 20/20 phenomenal, which explains the lack of competition in state agencies raise a bloated inefficient government bodies that create a monopoly simply does not work. Our governments have exploded from their original roots to protect our rights to control every aspect of our lives, a way to counter steals in the final analysis,our living standards through excessive taxation. . For those who are affected by outsourcing, is considered by many companies that are so out of necessity because of high taxes and regulations that they claim make it inefficient in a competitive market in the world.

Keywords: Public, housing, Indian, reservations, rights, self, government, water, filtration, plants, emergency, services, air, traffic, contro

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