Sunday, October 30, 2011

20091111 Duck Field Rice amoebic acreage in Miaoli.wmv

20091111 Duck Field Rice amoebic acreage in Miaoli.wmv Video Clips.

Duck Field Rice organic farm in Miaoli All over the world, farmers use pesticide to increase productivity, which puts a huge strain on the environment. That's why more and more growers are turning to organic methods. This week, we'll be bringing you a series of reports on the development of organic farming here in Taiwan, starting with a visit to Miaoli, where a local association called "Duck Field Rice" is bringing animal and plant life back to the paddy fields. It's good news for the environment, and the rice quality and yield are up as well. Ducks to the weeding at this farm Little ducklings take to the paddy field, which has just been planted with rice. They look adorable. But they have a serious mission to clear the field of weeds and pests. Duck Field Rice president, Li Qingzhang:"Ducks eat green things, including weeds, and after dabbling, they mix up the water and make it cloudy, which helps block the sunlight, and slows down the growth of weeds. If there are pests, they will eat them too." Former bike part maker The man who came up with the idea of going back to the duck farming method of his grandmother's age, is a former bicycle parts company boss, Li Qingzhang, who says, making the switch to agriculture was a challenge. Duck Field Rice president, Li Qingzhang:"The ducks will also destroy little rice seedlings by eating and even treading on them. The duration, the size of the ducks, and the growth time of the seedlings has to be controlled. So later we ...

Keywords: Tzu, Chi

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