Discus angle amend 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more! On YouTube.
First of, I would like to announce that I'm sorry for the late update, it is simply because I have been very busy lately and still am. I will try to make an update once every month or at the very most, two. Also, if you notice, the video contains a lot of trims, this is because I no longer have a working external memory card and now I have to rely on the internal memory on my digital camera which could only record up to 2.34minutes, therefore I have to transfer it onto my pc everytime before making another clip. Back on track...I am quite happy with my discus so far, I have two favorites (keepers) and two alright one, so what about the other one? Well not that much, therefore I plan NOT to use it as my future breeding stock, though it does hold a nice trait (high fin), this in turn may change my mind... I only do 20% water changes every day now since I'm very busy and have a tight schedule, I only feed them once or twice a day. I have not turned on the lights ever since the last discus fish update video since I don't trust it (seems like it would crack any moment!) I clean my sponge filter once every week or two since it gets saturated. In order for it to work efficiently, squeezing it will help remove the debris and nasties. I would recommend you using your tank water to clean your sponge but I have had success using tap water, but for the purpose of this video, I have shown you the appropriate measure since what works for me may not work for you. I wipe down my tank ...
Tags: discuskev, Discus, Bare, Bottom, Fish, Tank, Aquarium, Asian, Red, And, Tiger, Turquoise, South, America, Specimen, Symphysodon, Aequifasciatus, High, Fin, Body, Beautiful, Beefheart, Mix, discusfood, chensdiscus, Francis, Hu, Tony, Tan, Grand, Champion, Top, Quality, Future, Breeding, Stock, Day, Pellet, Food, Australian, Freeze, Dried, Blackworms, Sponge, Filter, Airstone, Water, Change, Wayne, Ng, Benfishwong, hekdiscus, discushans, Paul, Lucas, luckytropical, yt:crop=16:9
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