Friday, November 4, 2011

Use GE Water Filters to Clean Up Well Water

Use GE Water Filters to Clean Up Well Water

Water Filter

Most people have an opinion about the water quality in their home. Residents serviced by a well may have pristine water or water that smells like rust or rotten eggs. Bathing in this type of water is especially frustrating when the pleasant scent of shampoo begins to resemble rusty eggs more than strawberries. Equally frustrating is turning on the tap water to fill your glass and being greeted by the scent of metal and sulfur. It is embarrassing enough when this happens at family dinners but it can be horrifying when special guests have been invited to enjoy a meal at your home. The misery of poor water quality can be solved with some help from GE water filters and a whole house filtration system.

For starters, a home water filtration system will extend the life of your appliances, plumbing fixtures, and make bathing much more enjoyable. All water has some level of hardness unless it has been purified by reverse osmosis. Hardness is simply a measurement of the mineral content found in a particular sample of water. These minerals are generally calcium and magnesium among other things. A whole house filtration system will remove the minerals by swapping them out with sodium ions in a process called ion exchange. The result is known as soft water. Softened water is very safe to drink though some do prefer to go one step further by using a water filter or a reverse osmosis system. Reverse osmosis systems will remove everything from the water while GE water filters will remove a significant amount of chlorine and minerals. An iron water filter may be necessary if the iron is not satisfactorily removed in the softening process.

Improving the taste and quality of your water is somewhat of a process. Each situation is unique and while a Brita water filter in conjunction with a home water filtration system may solve most problems it will not fix every problem especially if the water has excessive iron content. There is enough equipment on the market to tackle every issue and one should feel some sense of encouragement that there is a solution. The solution however could be quite costly but in the end well worth the peace of mind.

catnapper chaise lounge

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